Calling ObjectiveC code from the Java Virtual Machine
Going into the slightly gory details of dealing with CGRects and friends with JNI and libffi.…
Going into the slightly gory details of dealing with CGRects and friends with JNI and libffi.…
How to use Apple's Metal Frame Capture to debug MoltenVK Vulkan applications, plus a little bit of background.…
Already in December, Valve has updated OpenVR to include support for Vulkan []. When using Vulkan instead of OpenGL with OpenVR/SteamVR, there are two additional steps to take: 1. To work at all, you need to create your Vulkan instance and…
Recently, I've been digging a bit into the new high performance graphics API Vulkan [], but found that comprehensive guides are still a little rare. Yet, quite a few people have invested incredible effort into creating tutorials, presentations, and sample code, covering various aspects and…