Calling ObjectiveC code from the Java Virtual Machine
Going into the slightly gory details of dealing with CGRects and friends with JNI and libffi.…
Going into the slightly gory details of dealing with CGRects and friends with JNI and libffi.…
How to use Apple's Metal Frame Capture to debug MoltenVK Vulkan applications, plus a little bit of background.…
After having dabbled with Windows notebooks now for a bit, I am now actually back on a MacBook Pro (back to the golden cage 😂). Here's all the dirty details!…
Don't like Comic Sans? Me too. Here I'll talk about why it's useful for some people, and why this blog has a new header font.…
Stories of switching from macOS to Windows. What went well, what went wrong, and why I am now on the second Windows laptop.…
Renderdoc [] is a tremendously useful graphics debugger by Baldur Karlsson [] that works by intercepting your Vulkan/Direct3D/OpenGL API calls either by injecting its little helper library into your running application or by loading the helper library before the actual API library. The…
This is an update of my previous article [], which was about TensorFlow 1.0. Here's a quick walkthrough on how to install CUDA, CUDA-powered TensorFlow, and Keras on Windows 10: Procedure 1. Install the CUDA 8.0 toolkit from Nvidia [https://developer.nvidia.…
As the official documentation at the moment lacks some painful details, here's a quick list how to install CUDA, CUDA-powered TensorFlow, and Keras on Windows 10. Procedure 1. Install the CUDA 8.0 toolkit from Nvidia [] , this will automatically add CUDA's…