Vulkan & The SteamVR compositor

Already in December, Valve has updated OpenVR to include support for Vulkan []. When using Vulkan instead of OpenGL with OpenVR/SteamVR, there are two additional steps to take: 1. To work at all, you need to create your Vulkan instance and…

Vulkan Resource Collection

Recently, I've been digging a bit into the new high performance graphics API Vulkan [], but found that comprehensive guides are still a little rare. Yet, quite a few people have invested incredible effort into creating tutorials, presentations, and sample code, covering various aspects and…

Reinvigorate your old Mac Pro with NVMe

I have an old 2008 Mac Pro sitting around that I recently wanted to upgrade with some more — and faster — disk capacity. Samsung's new SM951 or 950 Pro NVMe SSDs came to mind. Now NVMe is a rather new protocol that cuts out lots of the overhead that…

Hammerspooning OSX

Being a big fan of using the keyboard for everything and not touching the mouse more than necessary, I went through different OSX helper applications for helping to move windows around, aligning them on screen, etc. Lately I've been using Magnet (formerly known as Window Magnet, App Store…

Installing Windows 8.1 on an external USB drive

With Windows 8.1, Microsoft introduced a feature called Windows-to-go which enables the installation of Windows on external drives. Only if you have a Microsoft-certified external drive. Only if you have Windows 8.1 Enterprise. If not? Bummer. Or? Actually, there is a way. Not wanting to "pollute"…

OpenGL: Lessons learned

Here's a short summary of things I have learned in the last months of OpenGL programming - sometimes the hard way (read: while destroying awful amounts of Club Mate and coffee). Some of these are rather subtle pitfalls and do not get mentioned in tutorials or books too…


@mdo [] posted a nice list of HTML and CSS WTFs, common traps and pitfalls today - WTF, HTML and CSS? [] My all-time favourite is still the box model of CSS [], which fortunately can now be remedied by the glorious…